This weekend, Ben wrapped up his performance in The Lion King Kids (as part of the ensemble.) The show was great! As usual, after the show, the cast and mentors of this Penguin Project Production sang and danced to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” and Ben was in his element. I love seeing Ben and friends…
Author: Liz
When Phil and I travel abroad, we don’t really buy souvenirs, or much of anything to bring home. The one exception is that wherever we go, we look for a small mirror that we can hang in our very tiny bathroom. It has to have a material or motif that represents the country. When we…
Phil and I had a wonderful trip to Japan, courtesy of Sophia, who moved back home for the week to take care of Ben. After curating the photos, there were still 200 that I loved enough to post, so I decided that those could be metered out on Facebook over the next few days, without…
Three Semi-Culinary Throwbacks in a Single Meal
2005 – Tonight, while eating dinner in the living room, we watched “Freaky Friday” because it was on. (That could be the first throwback in its own right – watching something because it is on TV.) I was transported to a bus ride back from New York City with Sophia, where I had accompanied her…
You say you want a resolution…
You know, we’d all love to change the world, but Ben and I think small when it comes to self-improvement. I think small because personal experience has taught me that saying I’m going to do something on January 1st usually results in my doing exactly the opposite that year. I guess it’s reverse psychology that…
Every Christmas I watch this and it never fails. We wish for you what we wish for ourselves: hope, peace, love, joy, and the vision to see the everyday miracles around us.
Cuckoo for Coq au Vin
Some time ago, I was relaying a story to Phil and I ended with the disclaimer, “But, you know, he’s cuckoo for cocoa…” Before I had the chance to finish, Ben supplied the word I had obviously intended, … “vin.” Those of you in my general age range who lived for Saturday mornings when you…
One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four
Over Thanksgiving, we were in Virginia helping my parents prepare for their big move to a retirement home. We were home in Pennsylvania for two days before Phil returned to help them finish the move. In that two-day window, Phil made a batch of mashed potatoes so large that Ben and I were nearly defeated…
It’s a Christmas Miracle!
Yesterday, we had lunch at the Herdic House. They always decorate beautifully for the season, and in December they offer lunches Thursdays through Saturdays. What’s not to love? It felt like such a luxury to be dining on delicious food in such an elegant atmosphere on a Saturday during the day that I asked Phil,…
It feels like years since we last had friends over for dinner, but the last couple weeks have seen a nice return to conviviality. We hosted a revival of “book club” with a group of friends that first started meeting before Ben was even born. When the kids were little, we often hosted because it…