There’s more to Ben than meets the eye. This guy loves salad. Though he’ll never choose it instead of something more substantial, he will always enjoy it in addition to an entree. Technically, his favorite salad would be one that he’s been allowed to dump a bucket of ranch dressing on, but “seizure salad” is a close second.
If you know Ben, you know that he has a way with words. He says what he hears, and if he doesn’t know the right name for something, he gives it his own descriptive flourish. Leafy greens are “basil salad” to him, and romaine hearts are “big stem salad.” He always prefers the sturdy stuff.

This recipe for Caesar salad is adapted from the one served at our church’s lasagna dinner.
1/3 c. olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 T. lemon juice
1/2 t. pepper
2 romaine lettuce hearts, cut or torn into bite-sized pieces
1/2 c. Parmesan cheese (from the jar that lasts decades in your fridge – nothing fancy)
In a jar, mix the first 4 ingredients. Put romaine in a large bowl; add dressing and toss. Add cheese and toss.
Hey Liz and Ben
Thanks for starting may day with a smile.
Wondering if Ben loves a cheese steak from Joe’s as much as I do and what his favorite Wegman’s sub is.
Hello to Phil and Sophia too.
Looking fwd to more of your blog
Glad you like the blog! Ben loves cheese steaks from anywhere and he misses telling you in person about all his favorite foods! Every sub from Wegman’s is his favorite! We miss you all!