We live in unprecedented times. Never before has our country seen such division and polarization. Vicious hatred and lies find an audience in public forums, and when opinions are this intensely divided, can violence be far behind? Still, the debate rages on. Some cling fervently to their view that summer is best, while others work…
Category: Chef Ben Cooks!
Dangling the Bacon
Years ago, when my friend Jen and I were teaching second grade across the hall from each other, we often bounced teaching ideas off of each other. Once in a discussion about classroom management and rewards, she suggested, “Sometimes, you just have to change that bacon you’re dangling,” followed almost instantly by, “Nope. That’s not…
The Hunger Games
Both Ben and Sophia were exceptionally content babies, but on the rare occasions when they fussed, I swear it was because they were too tired to eat and too hungry to sleep. That’s some bad mojo, but it is possible that in my dotage, I have slipped into fussy infant mode myself. When I get…
Fancy a Game of Squash?
My parents visited over Labor Day weekend, bringing great garden bounty. They didn’t grow the peaches, but I think everything else was a product of their garden: squash, bell peppers, chili peppers, pesto, and raspberry jam. My mom makes the best fruit jam ever, and if I were a better person, I wouldn’t hide it…
Go, Steve!
When my school year is underway, and the Little League World Series has come and gone, and a half bushel of bell peppers is $10 at the farmer’s market, you know it is time to think about Lycoming College football games. Ben is a great fan of home games because he knows and loves the…
Safety First
We recently had our annual meeting regarding Ben’s services and goals. Ben seemed to understand, with all the people in the room, that he should be answering questions the best he could. While trying to determine his understanding of safety procedures, the service coordinator asked him, “What does it mean when the fire alarm goes…
Ben: The Brunch Denier and the Maine Thing
This week, the Ben’s Day Wednesday team cited creative differences in their nearly irreconcilable meal plan. Ben wanted shrimp teriyaki tacos. Definitively. Mom thought shrimp teriyaki tacos sounded shrimp teri-yucky. (I love shrimp! Why would I try to jam it in a taco with teriyaki sauce?) Ben’s position: I love shrimp! Tacos and sauces are…
“No! That is my rice!”
Years ago, Phil and I were in an antiques store in town looking for a good bargain. Antiques store pricing is often flexible, so when Phil picked an item, he decided to ask the proprietor for a discount. She was on the phone, and as he approached the counter, we heard her say loudly and…
Tender Roots
When we were in Virginia a couple weeks ago, I mentioned to Mary that I wanted to grow tarragon but couldn’t find seeds or a start. As we were leaving, she came running out to the car with a tarragon sprout in a little pot of soil and a plastic baggie. I watched it dubiously…
The Art of the Meal
When it comes to eating, Ben thinks big. We give him $40 on Monday and expect him to make it to Friday. This was originally supposed to cover some lunches out (though he can always pack something from home for free) and various activity fees like bowling, but Ben has figured out that we prioritize…