Ben is recovering beautifully from his hip replacement and we are all tickled pink that he is home now, growing stronger every day. Frankly, the only thing holding him back is his killjoy parents who continue trying to keep him from overdoing it! He spends his days with his companions, is doing the exercises recommended by the physical therapists, and has returned to about half the activity level he is accustomed to. He walks without a walker or cane, only limping a bit when he is tired.
Valentine’s Day seems like an appropriate time to send all our love back to you. We are humbled and grateful for every prayer, phone call, card, gift, care basket, visit, and meal that has come our way. I cannot possibly list every kindness here because we are awash in the flood of love we have felt from you, Ben’s people.
Thank you for the skilled and compassionate medical staff that tended to Ben’s body and soul.
Thank you for the hospital visits.
Thank you for the companionship and care you provide day in, day out.
Thank you for the beef bourguignon that made me weep.
Thank you for being there when I needed to weep for non-bourguignon related reasons.
Thank you for the greater Williamsport area’s last 6 pounds of Bob Evans Original Recipe Sausage that now sits in our freezer.
Thank you for the lifetime Doritos and Reese’s supply.
Thank you for the spiffy new chef’s hats.
Thank you for taking the reins at work when I couldn’t.
Thank you for celebrating my birthday in the hospital.
Thank you for the chef pictures your class made for Ben, though they’ve never met him.
Thank you for the delicious soup, bread, lasagna, enchiladas, pasta and meatballs, and stew that kept us going.
Thank you for the special Gold Belly pastries from Texas that I wake up at 2:00 in the morning thinking about.
Thank you for cheering for Ben’s return.
Thank you for the love.

So happy he is recovering so well! Can’t keep a good kid down!
Thanks, Barb! We are so happy to be home. Ben is eagerly embracing his normal activities and I’m sure you’ll see him out and about soon!