Saturday was Ben’s graduation party. He has been looking forward to this event for a good six years, and I think it is safe to say that it exceeded all his expectations. He planned the menu with my guidance (which mostly consisted of me putting the kibosh on serving duck to 75 people, and then agreeing to everything else), and we are declaring victory! Of course Ben loved the food he picked. Why wouldn’t he? Almost all of it was previously featured on the blog! He loved all the attention lavished upon him, and everyone’s amazing generosity, but what he really loved was seeing all his people. Former and current babysitters/caregivers, educators, coaches, program directors, friends, friends, friends, and family turned out! Ben was in his party-hosting glory.
The weather ultimately cooperated (after raining up until 10 minutes before our 4:00 start time) and we had a wonderful time socializing after what seemed like years of living under a rock. I am so grateful that Ben’s village, the people who have helped to shape the young man he has become, were here to help him celebrate his graduation from high school. Mary, Rachid, Catherine, and David did an amazing job of keeping the food table stocked and cleaning up afterward. I am eternally grateful. Thanks to them, we got to fully enjoy the party ourselves! The party moved inside at some point where there was spontaneous live music (Thank you Abe and Maddi!) And dancing! I don’t think things wound down until sometime after midnight. My only regret is not getting more (or really any) photos. It’s my classic problem that may mean I’m not cut out for blogging. I was too busy having a good time to record the good time.

All graduation parties are turning points, but coming off 15 months of isolation and the weirdest school year ever, this one seemed especially pivotal to me. It was so good to see the yard and house filled with friends, and to know that wherever post-high school life takes Ben, he has a social safety net a mile wide.