Yesterday, we had lunch at the Herdic House. They always decorate beautifully for the season, and in December they offer lunches Thursdays through Saturdays. What’s not to love? It felt like such a luxury to be dining on delicious food in such an elegant atmosphere on a Saturday during the day that I asked Phil, “Why are we doing this, again?” “Because we enjoy it,” he answered. True enough! Have I really become so mired in obligations and routines that I forgot what it is like to do something for no reason other than enjoyment? Perhaps I should note that it was all part of what turned out to be a larger day of sloth relaxation. We came home and started the series, “The Gilded Age,” an appropriate follow up to lunch in a Victorian mansion.
Ben also enjoyed this break from our ordinary Saturday lunch of scrounged leftovers bolstered by frozen chicken patties. When asked what he thought of his grilled tenderloin sandwich, he proclaimed, “It’s a Christmas miracle!” (I had it too, and he’s not wrong!) Nobody enjoys fine dining like Ben. Unlike me, Ben never looks a gift sandwich in the mouth. He does not question why we are living large on a Saturday afternoon, but he definitely appreciates it.

Looks great!