We live in unprecedented times. Never before has our country seen such division and polarization. Vicious hatred and lies find an audience in public forums, and when opinions are this intensely divided, can violence be far behind? Still, the debate rages on. Some cling fervently to their view that summer is best, while others work themselves into a pumpkin spice froth, insisting that fall is superior. Ben is abstaining from public comment, knowing that taking a stand is bound to alienate about half our readers, but I live on the edge, so I’ll give it to you straight.
From a food perspective, summer’s bounty is unparalleled. Fall, however, produces my strongest food cravings. Last week I wanted homemade soft pretzels. I mean I really wanted them. Ben and I planned a meal of ham and cheese melts on fresh homemade pretzel buns. It was fantastic, as you can see.

You would think that this would be the end, right? I got my soft pretzels, cheese was involved, I’m still working really hard at the “Biggest Loser” contest… so that should have laid the soft pretzel craving to rest. Nope. They are so amazing when fresh, that I insisted we make them again the Very. Next. Day. If you were ever in doubt about where Ben gets his “more is always better” stance, obviously this clears it up.