You can act all fancy, like you don’t want it, but if you were eating solid food in the 80s, you probably not only want it, but have made it yourself. I speak, of course, of the broccoli salad. Admittedly, pairing broccoli with raisins and bacon, then dousing it in sugary mayonnaise does not exactly…
How Funky is Your Chicken?
Just asking, because ours was pretty funky. We have made this recipe several times before, but this time we couldn’t obtain those hard-to-get ingredients like pomelos, cilantro, and bone-in skin-on chicken. Pomelos? We get it. Grapefruit will do. Cilantro? Wegmans may or may not have had several horses bed down in the herb section overnight,…
“Just thinkin’ about cake.”
We have been trying to start our year off right with a special emphasis on healthy food. Ben picked a salmon dish with tomatoes and avocados, and he even tolerated Saturday’s veggie-laden homemade ramen. During menu and grocery list deliberations, I saw him gazing wistfully in the direction of his favorite cookbook. “What’s up, Buddy?”…
(Kitchen) Cabinet Invokes 25th Amendment and Relieves Phil of his Grocery Shopping Duties
When you drove to Jersey Shore for the sole purpose of procuring 10 frozen duck breasts, we looked away. When you hit Aldi’s multiple times in a week to “lay in” some reasonably priced tuna steaks, we said nothing. Had you properly labeled the 10 pounds of pork loin that you cut and froze, so…
We interrupt this day of sedition to bring you a little comfort food
I would love to write something clever about the unprecedented national events currently unfolding, but I’m at a loss for words. I will go forward with my regularly scheduled Ben’s Day Wednesday post. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, why not have it twice? This week’s Ben’s Day Wednesday dinner was…
Ringing in the New Year with the Fondude!
2020, you’re on the bench. 2021, suit up! Ben has a lot of hope pinned on the new year. When the world shut down last March, he was on the cusp of exploring some work opportunities through school. For a guy whose main interest in school has always been social networking opportunities and lunch, the…
The Pig that Keeps on Giving
Egged on by Ben, Phil had proclaimed in mid-December that we would eat in a decadent manner for a full Twelve Days of Christmas. Country Store ham! Ribeye roast! Fillet! Duck! Shrimp! The list went on. Well obviously, this was a ridiculous idea, and I’m not even sure what prompted it, but during plea bargaining,…
Cookie Cutter Christmas?
Our Christmas was great. We don’t need to describe it with qualifiers – “It was fine, considering we couldn’t do all our normal things,” or commenting on only one aspect, “The roast beast was divine,” or the old second grade stand-by, “Sure, it was an awesome Christmas! Of course, it’s opposite day.” It was just…
A Christmas Carol
Phil’s brief stage career peaked when he played Jacob Marley in “A Christmas Carol.” Sixth grade was a long time ago, but he still remembers wearing the chains he forged in life. Tonight, dear reader, you shall be visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, as we remember holidays spent with family and friends.
Winter Solstice: A little taco pizza to light up the longest night
Since our big pizza failure a couple weeks ago, I have been seeking pizza redemption. Since he could eat solid food, Ben’s been seeking tacos, so taco pizza on Monday was an inevitability. We are very grateful for Rob’s tip to use a cast iron skillet, and for Mary’s advice to use a slow-rise method…