These days, Ben’s the guy to pass out candy at the door while we rest on our laurels of having Halloweened it up for the last 26 years. In recent years, we’ve gotten fewer and fewer trick-or-treaters, so this time, Ben mixed it up with a fresh new take. If you were one of the…
Ben’s Big Batch Breakfast – Yabba Dabba Doo!
As Ben’s mom, my day is starkly divided between modern pursuits and cave(wo)man ambitions. I get up early and walk on the treadmill. I eat breakfast and pack my lunch, parsing out sad little portions of protein and vegetable matter to consume throughout the day. I make coffee (yes, Millennials, you too could retire one…
Chicken Kyiv
This week, Ben and I made Christopher Kimball’s Chicken Kyiv, featured in the September – October 2023 issue of his magazine, Milk Street. I was fascinated to learn that this Ukrainian dish (known by different names) actually dates back to the 1800s. When the Soviet Union took over in 1922, some Ukrainian cuisine lost its…
Ben has certain expectations when it comes to meals. He must be a part of the week’s menu creation and execution. Dinner must include meat. A weekend must include “special breakfast.” Typically, Ben does not question my culinary leadership, opting not to bite the hand that feeds him, but when Phil skips “special breakfast,” Ben…
Like a Horse and Carriage
Last weekend, we had the honor of attending Alyssa and Kyle’s wedding. Alyssa took care of Ben after school when she was in college and she now teaches in Philadelphia. What a great celebration of some wonderful people! (My photography skill was the only thing lacking, but it was a beautiful wedding!) For the nuptials,…
To Kielbasa Infinity (and beyond!)
This week, we looked to an old summer standby meal: Kielbasa Ciabatta Sandwiches and Chilled Cucumber Avocado Soup. There’s nothing fancy or complicated about the meal, but it can come together in just a few minutes, and it is probably exactly what you need during summer’s last gasp. Double up on the kielbasa, like we…
Teach Your Children
When the pandemic started, we had Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young’s So Far in the Triumph’s CD player. A couple times in the last 3 years, we tried listening to something else, but it never took. While it is true that I listened to it a lot in college, this isn’t that. I don’t know…
Lobster Rolls and HasselBack-to-School Potatoes
When Amy came through town this summer, she brought us New England lobster! It has been in the freezer, waiting for the perfect opportunity to step into the limelight and shine. As we say goodbye to summer and welcome a new school year, this meal seemed the perfect way to honor summer’s end. If you…
Ben’s Best Bite of the Week – Farmer’s Market Salad
Taco ‘Bout a Great Summer!
Today was my first day of school! Though Ben is the only family member not involved with school these days, the rest of our lives revolve around an academic schedule, so he’s along for the ride. This year, in particular, I feel that we wrung out every last drop of summer we could. How do…