Dear Mom, though you are a devoted blog reader, you may want to skip this post. It contains various meal heresies that you may have a hard time swallowing. Love, Liz
P.S. Don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten my roots. Maybe my root vegetables, but not my roots.
A week ago Friday, Phil’s sister and husband drove up from Virginia in their convertible to spend a fine September weekend with us, and we had a great time. The whole weekend was spent convertibling around, eating outside, and enjoying the prime Pennsylvania weather. A planned hike was reduced to a walk, and then eliminated entirely, because sitting outside is almost the same as walking outside, when you think about it. (Don’t think too hard.)

Before they left Sunday, we had a perfect pizza brunch outside with some fresh, new pizza combinations suggested by Mary and Rachid. They were all delicious, and we intend to repeat them all at some point in the near future.

Combo #2 – pesto, tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, basil

After seeing them off, we decided that the weather was too perfect to waste on housework and work work, so we set off again, in search of adventure. We discovered some new roads up north and eventually ended up at Eder’s for an ice cream lunch. Ben was momentarily unmoored. “Ice cream for lunch? I never heard of that!” Fear not. He embraced the unknown in all its caloric glory.

If you are trying to stretch the summer vibe as long as possible, I would like to suggest a weekend of sloth. (In a related story, if you have to look up the seven deadly sins while making a post, you’ve probably already committed a fair number of them.)
Seriously, we work really, really hard all week long, and I imagine you do, too. I humbly recommend taking a break from following all the rules from time to time. Sometimes you need to drive in the open air for a couple days. Sometimes you need two to four “go-out-to-eats” in one weekend. Sometimes you need pizza for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, and a taco truck supper.
It all sounds like a lot of fun and you do deserve to do those things once in a while!
Phew! I know it wasn’t how I was raised, nor what we usually do with Ben, but it sure was a nice weekend!