What a great time we have had in the last six months, stretching convertible season on either end. I suppose most people who tell children to put their coats on for a living wouldn’t go for the brisk rides we’ve been taking, but Ben asked “Alexa” about the weather for Saturday, and when we heard there was zero “perchance” for rain, we set our sights on the Northern Tier.
Though the drive on Route 15 is undeniably gorgeous, especially this time of year, we like to stay off major highways in the convertible when we can. We took less travelled roads to reach Mansfield.
Next, we headed off to see The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, which was ablaze with color. We were not the only people with this Grand idea, so by the time we had putzed around the circular drive by the scenic overlook, failing to find a place to park, roughly half the population of Pennsylvania had seen our Grand entrance, and Sophia was 13 again, “Dad, can we just go? Everyone’s staring.” She wasn’t wrong. The car gets people’s attention. It is almost impossible for men in their sixties to see it and NOT react. Usually it is a smile, and a thumbs up. When you are driving 3 miles an hour flanked by pedestrians, it could be anything from, “What the…????” To “Great car! I used to have a Triumph!” After this little parade, we parked in a field and walked to the scenic overlook.